Jun 24, 2009

As we settle in

Day one

-Barbie Balloons in Amsterdam.

-Stern faced flight attendants with intimidating hands.
-Autobahn first-times.
-The Fruehling Haus/Café is the cutest thing alive.
-Jet-lagged induced pass-out by the sea.
-Husum looks like Disneyland.
-Trevor joins us via Barcelona.
-Sunset over Hitler dam while perched on a dyke. Trevor's hard-on for windmills turn sheepish as they graze in our surroundings.
-Then it is sleep-time after many hours awake.

Day 2

-The perfect morning. Jet-lag gone.

-The work begins. We started off by clearing up the shed of neglect featuring obtrusive tree that needed to be furniturized/benchified. Sorting out the rubbish, getting it into the trailer to be transported to the highly efficient, wind powered (these windmills are everywhere) recycling station.

After the daily rituals of communal lunch and the 4 o'clock coffee & cake, it was off to Flensburg Bay (on Sie Baltic sea) to see Rouven at the beach.

This beach contained many sea creatures which were all killed by Bens curiosity fuelled by organic beer (which was locally produced, now dubbed FlenPi), but through destruction comes understanding, and he'll never do it again, until the next day...But then again, there were bombs dumped into the bay during WWII when defeat was imminent, therefore it was strictly forbidden to throw rocks into the Bay, so Jellyfish seemed like a good alternative to rocks.

Go back to Denmark! (Denmark in the background)

The night was closed off with a new found understandting of German culture as we delved into a big discussion about the categorical social and educational structures in the country and how it shapes the perception of class. And with Burritos.


  1. Oh my god, don't stop. This is my new favourite blog. You guys look so blissful and I love whatever that pink silk recliner is.

  2. Great pictures, although the narrative could use more descriptive, less "picturesque" language. It looks and sounds abso;utely fabulous. Looking forward to following your adventures. Thanks for the invite. From now on, I promise to simply bask in the joy and beauty. Pappa
