Jun 29, 2009

Ben's Prom Night Confession: I have little to no control

Day 5
As we awoke in our nook on that Friday morning, the days plans began to unravel. Today was the day of Jorve's sisters Prom night. Of course, it is customary that all walks of life attend.

And what better way to start the day than with a tall glass of Shove-It.
Later that night.

What started off as a quiet evening of simple inoffensive chocolate deserts.

Things took a turn for the wicked of sorts (Christian, Lennards bro, foresaw it all). 

Didn't take long to impress. I (Ben) was already on the ground.

Silly smiles of innocence ensued. (Trevor was in his happy place)(Jorve too).

Without inhibition, I overtook the stage,

and took some horrible pictures.

But they're having the time of their lives.

And so was I.
-Jasper: Heir yu goh, zit rite heir, shleep if you vant, yu need reist und if yur tummy cums up, open zie dour.
-Benjamin: Who ARE you?
Needless to say, I was out of commission and Jasper's English is much better than that.

But the show must go on.

Due to the events of Friday night, Benjamin was unable to attend the wedding the next day. Fortunately, Trevor went as his Doppelgänger and proved to be a hit.
More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Ben, Lennard, Trevor:

    This blog is progressively blowing my mind. Why am I not passed out with you at prom?
